Adaptiv Networks

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Montsouris Institute

“With the ELFIQ solution installed… We have in fact secured our business flows, and strengthened our agility, especially for remote working.”– PATRICK BOLORE, CIO, IMM … Read More

Accelerate Telehealth with Confidence

Telehealth helps bring physicians face-to-face with more patients for lower cost, but the experience is only as good as the network connection. That’s why healthcare providers need a simple, secure and cost-effective connectivity solution that delivers crystal clear voice and

Simplify Healthcare Networks with Adaptiv Business Connect

Technology is transforming patient care and making network connectivity critical to successful patient outcomes. Healthcare providers need a simple, secure, and reliable connectivity solution that allows them to focus on their patients instead of their network.   CLICK HERE to view

Improve Network Connectivity for Better Patient Healthcare

Healthcare organizations are constantly looking at ways to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance access to care. The organization’s network infrastructure largely drives the success of these goals. While the adoption of health IT tools such as Electronic Health

Finally! Telehealth Makes Good Business Sense

Telehealth has been a tool available to healthcare providers for some time. Very much like the specialty tool that’s purchased for a single home project and then sits unused beneath the multitude of screwdrivers, pliers, and wrenches in our toolboxes…